About BC4CYP2015

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So far BC4CYP2015 has created 40 blog entries.

Age 18

In the last seven years, 100% of our youth have matriculated to college.  But, retention is key. We work with our youth through the age of 25 in an effort to help them stay in college, graduate, and begin their career. Getting an education and securing a career is the surest path out of poverty for our youth and we endeavor to help them every step of the way. This is our #CYPpromise to them.  

Summer News Update

Cooking, Coding, and Public Speaking were just some of the programs offered this summer; coupled with Basketball Training and virtual field trips, our six (6) week summer CYvP Program for Pre-K through High School was absolutely amazing! Let’s not forget the addition of Family Night, which was held twice weekly, as a way to give parents an opportunity to engage in fun activities with their children and the CYP community.

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