Since the end of last year we have been gleefully preparing for the 2020 Hope Gala in anticipation of bringing together those who support our mission at this annual celebration. However, it is  clear that our original date of May 7th will need to be postponed.  Because the COVID-19 pandemic is a rapidly changing circumstance,  we have not yet confirmed the new date.  Due to the postponement, Chicago Youth Programs will transfer all sponsorships and  ticket purchases and updates will be shared as they become available.

We look forward to celebrating with you.

In the meantime, YOU CAN DOUBLE YOUR IMPACT!  Please consider contributing to our match  giving goal of $20,000. We have a generous donor who is committed to matching gifts in the month of April. Click the link HELP CYP MEET THE CHALLENGE  and help us support the growing needs of the families we serve across Chicagoland.

Also, YOU CAN TRIPLE YOUR IMPACT! Remember to submit matching gift forms to your employer!

If you have any questions, please email Melody Brooks.

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As long as poverty, injustice, and inequity persist, none of us can truly rest